Tag Archives: temperature

Guide to Temperature Storage of Wine

After your wine has been bottled you will need to take careful steps to ensure that careful temperatures are maintained in order for the wine to remain stable. In most cases, it is best to store your wine in cool temperatures. For long-term storage, most bottled wines do better when stored at a temperature of about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The reason why it is so important to store wine at cool temperatures is because cool temperatures help to reduce the effects of oxidation. Keep in mind; however, […]

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Troubleshooting Fermentation Problems

As we all know, fermentation is one of the critical stages of wine making. Without fermentation, it is impossible to create wine as the base process involves live organisms called yeast turning sugars into alcohol.  There may be times you may find that you have problems with the fermentation process. Usually, these problems will take the form of either fermentation that just does not occur at all (stuck) or else is too slow. One of the reasons that this may occur is that the temperature was either […]

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