Tag Archives: wine

Tips for Making Wine from Concentrate

If you are just starting out, wine concentrates or wine kits offer an easy way for you to get started with your first batch of wine. Kits come with simple, easy-to-follow instruction that eliminate all of the guesswork.  Making wine is as simple as following a recipe and wine kits provide you with all of the ingredients you need, pre-measured and ready to use out right of the box. You’ve been to the local brew store or shopped online for wine kits and you have noticed that […]

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A Look at the Steps of Making Wine

If you are a wine lover, the next step in appreciating a great bottle of wine may be to make your own wine at home. While the process may seem to be complicated, wine can be made easily at home. Before beginning the process of making your own wine at home it is important to understand the basic steps of wine making. The general process begins with taking the juice of a fruit (grapes or other fruits) and introducing yeast that multiply and turn the sugars found […]

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How to Get Started Making Wine at Home

If you have given some thought to the idea of making wine at home but just haven’t quite gotten around to it yet, there is no reason to delay any longer. Thousands of people around the world happily enjoy the benefits and rewards of making their own wine. While certain equipment is required, you do not need to make a prohibitive investment or even have a large space in order to enjoy a hobby that can be quite rewarding. Our website is dedicated to helping your through […]

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Guide to Oaking Your Wine

Certain wines can certainly benefit from the addition of oak chips. Just a few of these wines include Chardonays, Cabernets, Pinot Noir, Chianti, Merlots, Sauvignon Blanc, Burgundy, Pinot Blanc and Fume Blanc. Oaking provides a way to develop a wine that is quite complex. The depth of the complexity is greatly determined by the type of oak that is used as well as the wine itself. Oak can provide a wide variety of flavors to wine including coconut, vanilla and even spices such as cloves, nutmeg and […]

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The Different Types of Wine

One of the most common questions you may have when you begin considering making homemade wine is what type of wine you should make. There are certainly plenty of different types of wines from which to choose. Understanding the different types of wines can help you to narrow down the choices and select the type that would be best for your first, or your next, batch of wine. First, it is important to understand that while wine is generally made from grapes, you can actually use practically […]

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Testing and Adjusting Your Wine

Two of the keys to making a great batch of wine are testing and making adjustments based on those tests. There are two critical areas where you will need to perform tests and possibly make adjustments. Those are sugar and acid levels. As you are already aware, the sugar level of your wine is incredibly important as it is the sugar that the yeast feeds off of in order to produce the alcohol. The amount of sugar that you start your batch with will ultimately determine the […]

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Guide to Temperature Storage of Wine

After your wine has been bottled you will need to take careful steps to ensure that careful temperatures are maintained in order for the wine to remain stable. In most cases, it is best to store your wine in cool temperatures. For long-term storage, most bottled wines do better when stored at a temperature of about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The reason why it is so important to store wine at cool temperatures is because cool temperatures help to reduce the effects of oxidation. Keep in mind; however, […]

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Troubleshooting Fermentation Problems

As we all know, fermentation is one of the critical stages of wine making. Without fermentation, it is impossible to create wine as the base process involves live organisms called yeast turning sugars into alcohol.  There may be times you may find that you have problems with the fermentation process. Usually, these problems will take the form of either fermentation that just does not occur at all (stuck) or else is too slow. One of the reasons that this may occur is that the temperature was either […]

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